Thursday, August 16, 2012

Keep it Clean

"Cleanliness is next to godliness" ... or at least that's what my grandma says. Do I buy it? Maybe. But I do know that having good personal hygiene is pretty much a must if you want to avoid being a social outcast, condemned to spending your time with the other kids who smell like cheese or B.O.. And of course, one of the most important steps to keeping your body clean, is having a properly stocked "bathroom bucket" and using the soaps and stuff in it.

Here's what I learned from my shopping trip for the infamous "toiletries".

First, take an adult. Not because you need help picking out the shampoo that will keep your hair silky smooth and frizz free, but because let's face it -- if there's one thing your parents would be willing to buy for you, it's deodorant and body wash. (Plus, once they buy a few things they're more likely to buy other non-essentials.)

Go prepared. This is an important step. Go with a list typed on your phone, or at least a mental tally of things you'll need. The internet (if you need it) can give some suggestions, but everyone's bathroom needs are different. For example, I have to alternate between normal shampoo and conditioner and Head and Shoulders 2 in 1 or my hair gets goopy, and I always invest in super tampons for my own peace of mind. These are staples of my bathroom that many others would not have to concern themselves about. Guys, for instance, should probably NOT buy super tampons, unless they're going for the world's best boyfriend award.

Finally be reasonable. Let's be real. You don't need to buy the biggest bottle of shampoo, or a huge carton of Q-tips. Sure, buying economy-size may save money, but you won't really have a place to store huge quantities of soaps and stuff.

Realistically, this is a pretty basic thing, but messing this up could complicate your dorm life in ways it doesn't need to be.

Oh. And don't forget a loofa.

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