Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Three Days Out

If you're a normal human being who will be going to college for the first time in three days, I doubt you feel like you need advice on how to spend your remaining time. However, if you're me, an individual who's social life is basically non-existant in the summer, waiting out the final three days can be one of the hardest parts of your pre-college life. Either way, my advice is the same for both parties:

"Do things that make you feel good." This could be hanging out with your pals, spending quality time with the fam, or taking an extra long bath. If you're me, it means sleeping in until 1 PM, going for a motorcycle ride, and hitting up Barnes and Noble. Either way, the result is the same, you feel good and have a smile on your face.

"Keep busy." This means, if you have a job, work all your hours. If you have chores or responsibilities in your household, keep up with them. If your mom asks you to take a day trip to visit you great-grandma Gretchen, go for it. The less you have to do, the more time will drag and that will make these final three days feel like two weeks.

"If all else fails, occupy yourself." If life's obligations don't seem to be keeping you busy (as is the case for me) occupy yourself in anyway you can. I took up knitting and became best friends with my 30 day free trial of Netflix.

Oh yea. And I started a blog.

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